Course aims and benefits
The IMB Trading Course is in its 29th successive year and widely acknowledged for its unique and practical approach in identifying and tackling potential pitfalls faced by those involved in international trade. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is a specialised division of the International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC).
This fully residential intensive course has established itself as an essential date in the calendar of those responsible for managing and avoiding risk in today's trading environment. The course is designed for senior/middle managers in trading houses, banks, shipping companies, insurance companies with an interest in international trade.
Delegates will acquire an understanding of international trading problems including financing, insurance and shipping contracts. Recent developments will be analysed including a detailed examination of the manipulation of the documentary credit system, frauds, charter party failure and cargo abandonment at intermediate ports.
The course is heavily based on real-life case studies and draws on the considerable expertise of the IMB in preventing international trading problems.
Why attend the course?
The changing face of trade finance fraud. Are your due diligence measures effective?
How can you reduce risk by negotiating effective contract terms?
What are the major vulnerabilities in the transportation chain?
Why do charterparties fail? What can be done to prevent charterparty breakdowns?
What action do you take when your cargo and / or vessel does not arrive at the discharge port?
Who do you turn to when problems arise?
What are the legal remedies that are practical and available?
A Certificate of Qualification will be awarded at the conclusion of the course.
Click here to download a copy of this year's course brochure (pdf). Or visit our web-site here:
The course is for senior/middle managers in trading houses, banks, shipping companies, insurance companies with an interest in international trade. The ideal participant will be engaged ‘hands-on’ within their organisation on a day-to-day basis.
In past years, the Annual IMB Trading Course has been attended by delegates from organisations based in over thirty different countries a small sample of which include :-
Amro Bank NV, Amsterdam
Agrocorp International Pte Ltd, Singapore
Aluminium Bahrain BSC, Manama
Banca Commerciale Lugano, Lugano
Barclays Bank Plc, London
PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (PERSERO), Jakarta
BP Oil International Ltd.
Cellulose Marketing International AB, Gothenburg
Central Bank of Jordan, Amman
Central Insurance of Iran, Tehran
Credit Suisse, Zurich & Geneva
FortisBank NV, Rotterdam & Singapore
Ghana National Petroleum Corporation
Helm A.G., Hamburg
ING Bank, Amsterdam & Rotterdam
Malaysian International Shipping Corporation, Kuala Lumpur
Munich Reinsurance, Munich
National Maritime Authority, Lagos
New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Mumbai
PEC Limited, New Delhi
Royal & Sun Alliance, London
Solvay & Cie (Hestia), Brussels
Swedish P & I Club, Gothenborg
Tilleke & Gibbins, Bangkok
Vesta Forsikring AS, Bergen
Walter Matter SA, Geneva
Winterthur Swiss Insurance Co, Winterthur