Port State Control - Black Sea MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign on STCW hours of rest (Sept.1 - Nov.30, 2014)

Black Sea MOU
Black Sea MOU
Black Sea MOU

The six maritime authorities of the Black Sea MOU on Port State Control (PSC) (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine) have announced that they will be running a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) from 1 September 2014 until 30 November 2014 addressing compliance with STCW hours of rest requirements.

Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) conducting routine PSC inspections during the currency of the CIC will use an additional list of nine items to check compliance with hours of rest requirements. Although the list has not yet been made publicly available, the Black Sea MOU has indicated that areas including safe manning, deck and engine room watchkeepers’ hours of rest, record keeping and Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS) watchkeeping arrangements will be examined. Particular attention will also be paid to scrutinising the hours of rest aboard vessels where watchkeepers are following a two watch system.

If deficiencies are found, the action taken will depend on the severity of the findings. Minor infractions of regulatory requirements may be given a time limit for rectification, whereas serious deficiencies may result in the vessel being detained.

The Paris and Tokyo MOUs, and possibly other MOUs are due to conduct a CIC addressing compliance with STCW hours of work and rest requirements during the same period. However, no official announcements have been made to date.

Click here to access the Black Sea MOU press release.


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    • For your comment: "I would like to work as psc surveyor and pleass consuder me for the post"

      This is not a job vacancy Mr Almeida.

      Best regards,
      Maritime Cyprus Administrator

  1. According to the objetives of MoU INSPECTION ORGANIZATION we have made a course on the requirements regarding hours of rest as per STCW 78 as amended (including the Manila amendments) in order to train crew memebers, superintendents, employees of maritime companies and other people involved in maritime transport. The Hours of Rest CIC consist of 10 questions to verify by the PSCO. We will study each one and we will give the main recommendations to avoid deficiencies. http://mouinspection.org/training/