Hong Kong - Dark Smoke Emissions from Vessels


hkflagOn 18 July 2014 new legislation entered into force in Hong Kong regulating dark smoke emissions from vessels.

It is now an offence for any vessel within Hong Kong waters to emit smoke continuously for three minutes or more which is as dark as, or darker than, Shade 2 on the Ringelmann Chart.

Should a vessel contravene this requirement, the owner, his agent and the vessel’s master will each commit an offence and shall be liable for a fine of HK$ 25,000 on first conviction, and HK$ 50,000 for any subsequent conviction.

In the case of local craft only, the owner, his agent and the coxswain shall each be liable for a fine of HK$ 10,000 on first conviction, and HK$ 25,000 for any subsequent conviction.

Further details of the new legislation, including a copy of the Ringelmann Chart, can be found in Marine Department Notice No. 92 of 2014.

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