Infographic: Top 10 Longest Sea Animals in the World


top 10 longest sea animalsVarious types of sea animals are there and the list of the longest ones are provided in the below part of the article.

Blue Whale whose scientific name is Balaenoptera musculus is one of the longest sea animals with length of 25.5 mt. North Pacific Right whale measure 15.5 mt in length and its scientific name is Eubalaena japonica.

Another long sea animal is southern right whale whose scientific name is Eubalaena australis and its length is 15.25 mt. Fin whale has a length of 19.5 mt and its scientific name is Balaenoptera physalus.

North Atlantic right whale is another long sea animal with length of 15mt and its scientific name is Eubalaena glaciallis. The Bowhead whale has a length of 15mt and its scientific name is Balaena mysticetus.

Sperm whale whose scientific name is Physeter macrocephalus is also among the longest sea animals with length of 13.25mt. Humpback whale has a length of 13.5mt and its scientific name is Megaptera novaeangliae.

Sei whale also finds a place for itself in the list of longest sea animals with length of 14.8mt and its scientific name is Balaenoptera borealis. Gray whale is another sea animal with length of 13.5mt and its scientific name is Eschrichtius robustus.

Infographic - top-10-longest-sea-animals-in-the-world

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