Legal briefing from the UK P&I Club regarding the Polar Code


( This briefing is one of a continuing series which aims to share the legal expertise within the Club with its Members.

A significant proportion of the expertise in the Managers’ offices around the world consists of lawyers who can advise Members on general P&I related legal, contractual and documentary issues.

The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on 15th May 2015, and expected to come into force on 1 January 2017.

The code is mandatory and comprises of detailed requirements relating to safety, design, construction, operations, training and the prevention of environmental pollution.The Code applies to all shipping and maritime operations apart from fishing ships, ships under 500 tonnes and fixed structures.

For further details, click image below to download the full document.


Relevant article: IMO adopts mandatory Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters

For more resources and guidance regarding Polar Waters, click HERE

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