Container ship runs aground...A general view of the container ship Lysblink Seaways grounded at Kilchoan, West Ardnamurchan in the West Highlands. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Wednesday February 18, 2015. See PA story SCOTLAND Ship. Photo credit should read: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire
A frontview of the container ship Lysblink Seaways grounded at Kilchoan, West Ardnamurchan in the West Highlands. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire.
The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) posted the report of its investigation of the grounding of the general cargo ship Lysblink Seaways in West Scotland on 18 February.
The ship grounded at full speed, suffering severe damage, and was later declared a constructive total loss.
Investigation revealed that the primary cause of the grounding was that the officer of the watch and sole watchkeeper had become inattentive shortly before due to the effects of alcohol consumption.The ship grounded at full speed, suffering severe damage, and was later declared a constructive total loss.
A general view of the container ship Lysblink Seaways grounded at Kilchoan, West Ardnamurchan in the West Highlands. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire.
Click below image to download full Report 25-2015.