The Republic of the Marshall Islands, (+3640 ships registered), has adopted the new IMO MSC standard for private guard companies
With effect from 1 January 2016, ships registered in the Marshall Islands can emply only private maritime security companies (PMSC) that are certified to the new ISO 28007-1:2015 standard by a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) authorised certification body”.
At its 95th session in June the MSC stated in its Maritime Safety Committee circular MSC.1/Circ.1406/Rev., that flag states should ensure that PMSCs onboard ships hold a valid ISO 28007-1:2015 certification.
The main difference between the new standard and the existing ISO PAS 28007:2012 version is that it includes a clause to ensure PMSCs have measures and procedures in place that are compliant with international law on human rights.
This is a new area for PMSC certification and a core aspect of ISO 28007-1:2015. It shows that PMSCs conform with all the relevant legal and regulatory obligations pertaining to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Source: Marhall Islands Marine Notice No. 2-011-39, Rev.12/15 (click image below to download)
How about the MI Flag State vet their vessels against bankruptcy and non payment of contracts with PMSC's. Also that ILO laws are upheld and we dont have examples of crew members begging the PCASP's for food and water as all they have had to eat is rice and boiled urine ? These are examples that we (IAMSP) have had reported to us. Its all very well to expect the PMSC to jump through hoops, but this statement about human rights ("This is a new area for PMSC certification and a core aspect of ISO 28007-1:2015. It shows that PMSCs conform with all the relevant legal and regulatory obligations pertaining to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights".) Should also apply to the MI flagged vessels as well. What checks and balances are being taken by Flag states to see if violations of relevant laws (Human Rights and Labour Laws) are dealt with ?