New Loss Prevention Safety Posters Published by West of England P&I club


A further four posters have been added to the Club’s popular THINK! series of Loss Prevention safety posters, raising awareness of some of the common causes of shipboard accidents.

The sixth set of posters in the series covers the following topics (click images to download High Resolution posters):

West of England Poster - Lift Safely
When lifting heavy items, the correct procedure and posture should be used at all times to avoid injury
West of England Poster - Get Some Rest
Sufficient rest is important for a seafarer's health and wellbeing, and the avoidance of fatigue related incidents
West of England Poster - Wear Your Hard Hat
A hard hat should be worn at all times when there is risk of injury from falling/flying objects or fixed structures around head height
West of England Poster - Don't Take Chances
Taking shortcuts to save time can lead to serious incidents. Procedures and best practice should be followed at all times

The already available posters are the following:

West of England Poster - Be Seen
Be seen
West of England Poster - Guard That Machine
Guard that machine
West of England Poster - Clean It Up
Clean it up
West of England Poster -
Stand Clear Of Bights
West of England Poster -
Don't Overload Sockets
West of England Poster - Guard That Opening
Guard That opening
West of England Poster -
Isolate And Drain That System
West of England Poster -
Hook On Your Harness
West of England Poster -
Stay Clear Of Snap-Back Zones
West of England Poster -
Wear Your Safety Shoes
West of England Poster -
Secure Those Engine Room Floor Plates
West of England Poster -
Isolate That Circuit
West of England Poster -
Don't Be Distracted
West of England Poster -
Keep Clear of Cargo Operations
West of England Poster -
Use The Bitts When Making Fast
West of England Poster -
Wear Your Safety Goggles
West of England Poster -
Wear Your Ear Defenders
West of England Poster -
Enclosed Spaces Can Kill
West of England Poster -
Use Ladders Carefully
West of England Poster -
Follow Hot Work Procedures


Source: West of England P&I club

west of england

[Total: 1]


  1. Poster are excellent.
    However, how much effort is put into implementing basic safety "standard?"
    Or ensuring that ship owners, managers, employees etc., are following these basic guide lines?