Followup: New Emission Control Areas in China (Shenzhen Port in Pearl River ECA Oct.1, 2016)


Local correspondents Huatai have advised that reduced sulphur limits will take effect in the port of Shenzhen from 1 October 2016. From this date, vessels berthed at Shenzhen port will be required to use fuel with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5%.

It is understood that the other core ports within the Pearl River Delta ECA will introduce the 0.5% sulphur limit on 1 January 2017 as per the original schedule.

Click below image to download Huatai’s circular.



Source: NEPIA


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  1. Mohammad Vaferi;
    It was just the matter of time ! Availability of LNG bunkering comes true near by $ 60 per barrel of oil. Indeed it is the main driver for ports with high traffic volume to mantra their restricted requirement on using low sulphur content fuel. No doubt on review in 2018 as the pre-last stage of Marpol Anex IV on 2018 , we will get a clear and short sentence; The global cap is implemented in 2020! Prepare yourself to remain in competitive market !