U.S. Coast Guard - American Waterways Operators Annual Safety Report


The US Coast Guard, in cooperation with the American Waterways Operators (AWO), released the National Quality Steering Committee’s Annual Safety Report for 2015. The committee looks at three safety measures to track overall trends in towing industry safety and environmental protection.

For 16 years, the National Quality Steering Committee has used three measures to track overall trends in safety and environmental protection. While not all-encompassing, the measures are considered to be useful indicators of towing industry trends.

The measures are:

  • Crew fatalities per 100,000 towing industry workers.
  • Gallons of oil spilled from tank barges per million gallons transported.
  • The number of vessel casualties (overall or by incident severity).

This report contains towing industry data and measures for calendar years 1994 to 2015. This report also includes summary statistics on crew member injuries, which the National Quality Steering Committee began tracking in 2006, for calendar years 2006 to 2015.

Click on below image to download full report.

USCG American Waterways

Source: USCG





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