The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has issued a bulletin concerning relevant ECDIS Performance Check for ships.
The checks detailed below are not intended for, and are not suitable to be used as a Port State Inspection / Carriage compliance test for ECDIS.
The checks should be run at least once after installing an ECDIS. A re-run is recommended only after a software update, system upgrade or change of equipment.  The results should be reported to the IHO if and only if anomalies are found.
The IHO ENC/ECDIS Presentation and Performance Checks are intended to make mariners aware of any shortcomings with their ECDIS. Mariner feedback from the checks will also enable the IHO to identify how the different brands of ECDIS display and handle chart data. This information will be used to inform the IMO, national Hydrographic Offices, ECDIS manufacturers and others, so that they can take any corrective action that may be necessary.
Carrying out the checks The checks should be undertaken on every ECDIS onboard that uses ENCs, unless you are certain that the model of the ECDIS and in particular the version of the software is the same. In order to carry out the checks, you will need:
- The data for the checks. This will normally have been supplied by your ENC service provider on a CD-ROM or in the same way that other new ENCs are supplied to you.
- A means for recording the results of the checks and transferring them to the reporting form.
If the person conducting the checks knows how to load ENCs and how to set up the ECDIS display, then the checks should take less than 30 minutes for each system.
The checks should not be conducted while the ship is at sea unless it will clearly have no impact on the safe navigation of the vessel. This is because you will need to change some of the ECDIS settings, such as the ship’s safety depth or contour, in order to carry out the checks.
The ENCs in the check dataset contain all the features needed to conduct the checks. They are standard ENC cells, located in a landlocked area of the world, and they can therefore be loaded on your system without affecting other ENC data or the operation of the system. They can be removed once the checks are completed or can be left for future reference.
The INSTRUCTIONS for loading the data, carrying out the checks and submitting the results to the IHO can be downloaded by clicking below image:
The ENC DATA can be downloaded by clicking HERE.
Click below image to download a Letter to Ships’ Masters, Owners and Operators concerning the important ENC/ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Check in Ships.
Click on below image to download Background Paper on ENC/ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Check for Ships.
Source: International Hydrographic Organisation
Good afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
While BSM conducts quarterly checks using the IHO ENC/ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance check software; we have been advised that once ECDIS is upgraded to the IHO S-52 // Ed 6.1.0 // IHO Presentation Library 4.0, the IHO ENC/ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance check software will no longer be applicable or required.
Would you please confirm our information is correct in this regard?
Thanks and all the best,
Neil Geoffrey Hawkes M.N.I.
Assistant Fleet Manager
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement
P.O.Box 50127 – CY 3601 Limassol - Cyprus
Tel: + 357 25 846 400 | Tel: + 357 25 846 689 (direct line) | Mob: + 357 97879485
Good Day,
ECDIS operating with Edition 4.0 of the IHO Presentation Library, Performance tests during type approval and installation of the ECDIS demonstrates that the ECDIS does not have any of the identified display anomalies. The IHO check dataset is therefore not applicable. See iho.int for further information.
or check this website for more information
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Dear Neil,
We suggest to contact the IHO directly with this specific inquiry at: info@ihb.mc
We're sure our members would be interested in receiving this clarification.
Best regards
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Details on ECDIS Data Presentation and Performance Check for Ships
i just want to ask the specific procedure on how to carry out this performace test in furuno ECDIS because we cannot find and install the two ENC cells AA2TDS02 & AA5TDS05
Dear Allen,
You have to contact the manufacturer for this.