Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Port State Control Report 2016.


This report summarises the PSC activities of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and reports on the performance of commercial shipping companies, flag States and Classification Societies for the 2016 calendar year.

2016 summary of PSC activity:

  • During the calendar year there were:
    – 27,516 ship arrivals by 5719 foreign-flagged ships
    – 3675 PSC inspections
    – 246 ship detentions.
  • Bulk carriers accounted for 51% of ship arrivals and 58% of PSC inspections.
  • PSC inspections were carried out in 54 Australian ports.
  • The average gross tonnage per visit was 50,505 GT compared to 48,011 GT in 2015.
  • The average age of vessels in 2016 was nine years, compared to 10 in 2015.
  • Conducted 8576 inspections of all types in 2016 compared to 10,536 in 2015. This decrease was through better targeting of higher risk ships.

Key points:

  • The number of inspections decreased in 2016.
  • In 2016 the number of foreign-flagged arrivals increased by 172 (0.6%) to 27,516. The arrivals were made by 5719 individual ships, an increase of 76 (1.3%). The number of PSC inspections conducted during 2016 decreased by 283 (9.3%) to 3765 inspections. This was due to fewer inspections of lower priority ships.
  • Inspections of all types carried out by AMSA surveyors also decreased from 10,536 in 2015 to 8576 in 2016, a decrease of 22.8%. This was due in part to the rationalisation of some inspection types and changes to domestic legislation.
  • Ships had mixed performance in 2016. There was a 5.7% decrease in the number of deficiencies - from 9484 deficiencies in 2015 to 8942 deficiencies in 2016 - but a 1.7% increase in the number of detainable deficiencies from 347 detainable deficiencies in 2015 to 353 detainable deficiencies in 2016.
  • The number of detained vessels was 246, four more (2%) than the 242 detentions recorded in 2015. This is slightly higher than the 10 year median of 238.
  • These was also a slight increase in the average number of deficiencies per inspection rising from 2.3 in 2015 to 2.4 in 2016 with the detention rate increasing from 6% in 2015 to 6.7% in 2016.

While there was an increase in the detention rate and rate of deficiencies per inspection, both values remain low in the context of the 10 year summary table. The overall picture indicates that AMSA PSC regime continued to exert a positive influence on the quality of shipping in 2016.

For more details, click on below image to download full report.

Source: AMSA


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