Marine Money to host Shipping Financiers and Investors in Limassol

Cyprus Minister of Transportation, Communications and Works, Mr Marios Demetriades, June 23, 2016 during Marine Money Week in New York

The expanding shipping developments and ship finance activities in Cyprus has tempted Marine Money International to accept an invitation by the Cyprus Minister of Transportation, Communications and Works to host an annual Marine Money event in Cyprus which will bring in International Ship Owners, Lenders, Financiers and Investors from Europe and further away.

The 1st Marine Money Cyprus Forum, taking place in two weeks time on April 26, 2017 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Limassol is supported by the Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) and the Cyprus Union of Shipowners (CUS). This Marine Money Cyprus event will be the 55th Marine Money conference organised and hosted by Mia Jensen and Kevin Oates.

The interest is very high and we are looking forward to an exciting first event in Cyprus said Mia Jensen.  A large attendance of shipping and ship finance experts from Cyprus, Europe and beyond will energise the developing Cyprus maritime cluster and the fresh opportunities in finance from the Cypriot banks with developing shipping desks. Participants confirmed to date from more than 70 companies are high caliber shipping and ship finance experts, lenders and investors from more than 14 countries.  That is a significant and exciting networking opportunity, said Mia Jensen.

The Marine Money conference presents speakers with the most up to date intelligence on the shipping market, how banks will react and the opportunities which abound for those with access to equity, the market sectors and prospects and the availability of traditional and alternative finance, said Kevin Oates.  Marine Money has been Bridging the shipping and capital markets for over 30 years through it's publications, forums, deal analysis, and books.  In 30 years we have witnessed an explosion in the complexity and importance of mastering all forms of ship finance, said Kevin Oates.

The Marine Money Cyprus Agenda will address and debate the benefits of the Cyprus tonnage tax system; catalysts for growth for Cyprus as a maritime hub; ship finance in Cyprus – potential, scale and geography; private equity; finding investment opportunities in shipping both at low asset prices and in distressed debt; maritime funding from external capital sources; plus the portfolio acquisitions from exiting banks as an attractive investment opportunity.

Further information about the Marine Money Cyprus Forum:  or Mia Jensen, Tel: (+30) 210 9858 809  E-mail:





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