ECSA - The economic value of the EU Shipping Industry


According to the ECSA, the EU shipping industry directly employed 640,000 people and supported a € 57 billion contribution to GDP in 2015. Adding supply chain and worker spending multiplier impacts, the shipping industry’s total employment contribution rises to 2.1 million people and its total GDP contribution is estimated to have been € 140 billion in 2015.

These are the key findings of the latest update on the economic value of the EU shipping industry which ECSA commissioned from Oxford Economics. The report further indicates that, at € 89,000 per worker in 2015, productivity in the EU shipping industry remains above the EU average, as well as that of sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare.

Key Findings

  • The EU shipping industry directly employed 640,000 people and supported a €57 billion contribution to GDP in 2015.
  • Once supply chain and worker spending multiplier impacts are taken into account the shipping industry’s employment contribution rises to 2.1 million.
  • The total GDP contribution of the industry, including supply chain and worker spending impacts, is estimated to have been €140 billion in 2015.
  • At €89,000 per worker in 2015, productivity in the EU shipping industry remains above the EU average, as well as that of sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare.

To view full report/presentation, click on below image.


Source: ECSA



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