EU MRV Regulation: Guidelines/ Best Practices published by the EC


( The EC has released guidance/ best practices as elaborated with MRV shipping experts. The documents were unanimously endorsed by the representatives of the ESSF Plenary on 30th of June 2017.

Experts gathered under two subgroups established under the umbrella of the "European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF)" as follows:

  • the MRV subgroup on monitoring and reporting; and
  • the MRV subgroup on verification and accreditation.

These two MRV subgroups gathered for the period June 2015 to May 2017 to provide technical expertise relevant for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport (known as the EU MRV Regulation).

Dromon Bureau of Shipping (DBS) participated in both MRV subgroups established under the ESSF.

The two MRV subgroups gathered relevant expertise and were mandated to identify guidance/ best practices in areas relevant for the implementation of the EU MRV Regulation.  The substance of these guidelines/ best practices documents were unanimously endorsed by the representatives of the ESSF Plenary through written procedure ending on 30th of June 2017.

Guidance /Best practices documents have been established in the following areas:

  • Preparation of Monitoring Plans by companies;
  • Monitoring and reporting of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and other relevant parameters;
  • Assessment of monitoring plans by verifiers;
  • Backward assessment of monitoring plans;
  • Use of external ship tracking data by verifiers;
  • Materiality and sampling;
  • Verification of emissions reports by verifiers;
  • Recommendations for improvements issued by verifiers;
  • Assessment of verifiers by National Accreditation Bodies in order to issue an accreditation certificate;
  • Dealing with situations where the accreditation is suspended or withdrawn close to the planned issuing date of the Document of Compliance (DOC) by the verifier.

All the above guidelines/ best practices can be found in the EU website here.  These guidelines/ best practices provide non-compulsory examples into various aspects of the monitoring reporting verification and accreditation activities.

Dromon Bureau of Shipping (DBS) Accreditation

DBS is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) under the ISO 14065 and can provide worldwide services related to EU MRV Regulation.  DBS can offer services relating to the assessment of monitoring plans, verification of the emissions reports and issue the require Document of Compliance (DoC) to each ship.  For further information on this subject please visit DBS designated website here or contact us through

Act now

Ship owners/ managers are encourage to submit their monitoring plans for an assessment prior 31 August 2017 so sufficient time is provided for compliance with the EU MRV Regulation.  For further information on the assessment of monitoring plans visit DBS website here.



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