Amendments for Garbage Management Plan and Garbage Record Book coming into force March 01, 2018.



(www.MaritimeCyprus.comAt IMO MEPC 70th session the amendments to the Annex V of the MARPOL Convention related to the Form of Garbage Record Book were adopted. These amendments were adopted by Resolution MEPC.277(70) with the entry-into-force date 1 March 2018 and include the following:

  • Amendments to Regulation 4 and 6 of the Annex V of the MARPOL Convention (garbage discharge provisions) providing criteria for the classification of solid bulk cargoes as harmful to the marine environment by adding the appendix to this Annex (See Annex II);
  • Form of Garbage Record Book improved in order to distinguish the information on delivery/discharge to Port Reception Facilities of cargo residues. New form will consist of two parts – Part I remains similar to the present form, Part II will include records for Cargo residues only (HME and Non-HME) (See Annex III to this Circular);
  • New category of waste “e-waste” is included in form of Garbage Record Book (See Annex I to this Circular). Definition for this category of waste is already laid down in 2012 Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.219(63), as amended by resolution MEPC.239(65));
  • Additional table introduced in Part I of the form of Garbage Record Book to ensure the records on exceptional discharges or loss of garbage under Regulation 7 (Exceptions) are kept;
  • Alignment of the Regulation 10 of the Annex V (Placards, garbage management plans and garbage record-keeping) to amended form of Garbage Record Book.

In addition to the amendments listed above the consequential changes to the Standard format of the advance notification form for waste delivery to port reception facilities related to new category of waste “e-waste” were prepared. Revised MEPC Circular (Appendix 2 of MEPC.1/Circ.834 Consolidated Guidance for Port Reception Facility Providers and Users) will be issued following the entry into force of the amendments to MARPOL Annex V.

Further to the above, the structure of the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) Port Reception Facility module will be amended accordingly.

Click on below links to download the Annexes

Annex I

Annex II

Annex III - Part I

Annex III - Part II


Source: IMO




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  1. Good day,
    thanks for your fast response, this one I foudn as well, but this is only shown following.

    "Simplified overview of the discharge provisions of the revised
    MARPOL Annex V which entered into force on 1 January 2013"

    We are talking about Resolution MEPC.277(70) with the entry-into-force date "1 March 2018"
    In this Placad is nothing mention about Resolution MEPC.277(70) etc.
    So where is this "new" Placard available now?


  2. Dear Christian,
    We could not find in the web, but we received feedback from a lot of business associates that Marlow provided such placard. We see your email address points to Marlow. Maybe one of your colleagues can help you?

    • Good day, Thanks for your return and I am in contact with my colleges now. I was a bit thinking that the IMO has published such things before and there will be a standard around the world on all vessel and that no more mistakes can happen, but in this case looks like again hundred of different placard will placed on board.

      Thanks for help and assistance in this case.

      Have a nice day

  3. Is it mandatory Garbage Management Plan to include current color coding used onboard for garbage segregation. I cant find such regulation except that they must be in distinguished colors.