Cyprus Shipping Chamber Cyber Security Case Study


( As the industry moves into a smart-shipping era, the risk of cyber threats is at an all-time high. Digitalised ships, increasing interconnectedness, the extended use of electronic data exchange and electronic navigation increases the likelihood of cyber-attacks in variety, frequency and sophistication. Cyber threats are one of the most serious economic and international security challenges facing the maritime industry today. The need for protection and security enforcements to mitigate the threats is more important today than ever. Guidelines to support secure cyber operations and contingency plans to be followed in a case of cyber incident have become necessary.

The Cyprus Shipping Chamber recognising the increasing concern of its Members with regards to the cyber security and their protection, developed this document with the intention to create awareness of the threat and provide guidance to its Members.

This case study was prepared to show a ‘real life’ snapshot of a company that is a Ship owner, Technical Operations Manager, and Crew Manager and how they, in the early stages, are evaluating and implementing a program of cyber security for their ships with Online Connectivity.

Several questions were posed to the company on general subjects to help scope how this company is initially viewing cyber security, and their efforts to organise internally by assigning responsibilities and allocating resources of staff and budget. Comments are made at a high level and are included under the section “Further Consideration”. They have been purposely general in nature to help identify certain concepts that may be of help.

It should be recognised that this is not an all-inclusive guidance or evaluation, and does not critically assess their efforts. It is rather intended to contribute to the greater discussion of maritime cyber security by exposure to what is likely a typical case and find some value to their cyber security efforts.

Click on below image to download the case study.


For more cyber-security related Guides and circulars, click here.


Source: Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC)



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