EIMF Launches its Maritime Training Academy in collaboration with international experts


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) EIMF Launches its Maritime Training Academy in collaboration with international experts

The European Institute of Management and Finance EIMF, following continuous requests from the sector and with the input from a large number of clients in the Maritime industry, is introducing a number of Training Offerings under its newly established Maritime Academy, with 3 of the most established and internationally recognised experts in the field.

With titles selected to cater towards the needs of Maritime professionals in the region, they offer the required knowledge and skill to excel in this ever-competitive industry. The list of titles will grow in the next months, introducing longer workshops and qualifications, with our goal being to establish Cyprus as the hub for Maritime Training in the region.

The titles offered in the next few months are:

Global Tax For Shipping, 1 November with Dr Knut Olsen

Anti-Corruption In The Shipping Industry, 2 November with Dr Knut Olsen

Ship Operations: Safety, Accident Prevention, Investigation and Analysis, 15 November with Ken Maddox

Ship Vetting and Auditing, 28 November with Pawan Kapoor

Basic Ship Superintendence Skills, 29 November with Pawan Kapoor

Effective Communication in the Shipping Industry, 30 November with Pawan Kapoor


For more information and to register online, please visit the website or call EIMF at +357 22274470

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