PELAGOS EU Project Seminar - Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer in the Renewable Energy Sector


( Members/Readers are kindly invited to the seminar entitled “Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer in the Renewable Energy Sector” organized in the framework of the EU project PELAGOS, by the Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (MARINEM).

PELAGOS project aims to promote innovative networks and clusters in the Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) sector within and across the Mediterranean Sea. PELAGOS will provide a mix of support activities, free of charge, to Cypriot Stakeholders to identify promising business opportunities, develop necessary skills and facilitate growth by bridging the gap between technology providers and energy users. A brief overview of the relevant activities is given below:

  • SMEs Innovation profiles promoted through an integrated On-line Platform
  • Specific Capacity Building Seminars to SMEs (Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer, Markets & MRE Technology applications, Building on innovative soft-skills)
  • Business to Business Networking events (B2B, Conference & Exhibition, Workshops, Study Visits)
  • Business Growth (Innovation Plan, Joint concept or R&D concept, Business Plan)

The Seminar will be held in the premises of the Research Promotion Foundation, in Nicosia on the 28th of November.

For more information please find below the Agenda of the Seminar.

Feel free to disseminate the Seminar invitation among your company colleagues and relevant stakeholders.

Kindly confirm your participation at by 24th of November.

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Click on below image to download the agenda:


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