Intercargo Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2008 - 2017


( INTERCARGO, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners, recently submitted their Bulk Carrier Casualty Report on the years 2008-2017, to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the consideration of the Member States, Non-Governmental Organisations and other interested parties. This report details the trends and availability of casualty investigation reports as well as breaking down total losses by cause, bulk carrier size, age, and dead weight tonnage (DWT).

Significant findings:

  • 22 Handysize bulk carriers were lost, representing 41.5% of the total 53 casualties reported, while most cases happened before 2011 and remarkable improvement thereafter.
  • 11 Handymax were lost, representing 20.8% of the total without clear pattern of improvement through the years.
  • Supramax suffered 8 ship losses, taking 15.1% of the total, with 5 losses related to suspected cargo failure (liquefaction) and consequential loss of 85 lives.
  • Capesize suffered 7 ship losses, taking 13.2% of the total.
  • Panamax showed least number of total losses, representing 9.4% of the total.
  • In terms of annual ship losses, after peaking in 2011, reduction of ship losses was observed.

Analysis of total losses for previous ten years 2008 to 2017:

  • 53 bulk carriers over 10,000 DWT have been identified as lost, or on average 5 ships per year.
  • 202 crewmembers have lost their lives as consequence, or on average 20 lives lost per year.
  • 24.2 years was the average age of the bulk carriers lost.
  • 2.77 million dwt have been lost, or on average 276,508 DWT per year.

Losses by cause:

  • The highest loss of life has been attributed to Cargo failure (liquefaction), totalling 101 lives lost or 50.0% of total loss of life resulted from the 9 casualties.
  • The most common reported cause of ship losses has been Grounding, totalling 22 losses or 41.5 % of total losses.
  • Losses due to Flooding for 8 ships (15.1%) and 14 lives (6.9%) have been significant.
  • Losses of lives resulted from 6 ships lost with Unknown causes accounted 61 lives, or 30.2% of total life losses, among them the 2 casualties in 2017 (Stellar Daisy and Emerald Star) causing 32 lives lost.

To download full report, click on below image:

Source: Intercargo

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