(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) How a Professional Medical Audit Can Deflate an Invoice by 3 Times? Global Voyager Assistance (GVA), a medical assistance company with profound international expertise in cost containment has achieved a remarkable result in decreasing a medical bill for a Seafarer from a Norwegian hospital.
The medical case background was related to a Russian seafarer who accidentally gulped down a chemical substance on the vessel. GVA Doctors, who are experts in medical audit of the hospital and clinic bills worldwide, spent eight months debating the medical ground of invoicing with the hospital. Norwegian hospitals based on the principals of national healthcare system are using Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) system for their billing. While being quite an accurate, the DRG system still leaves space for subjective judgment with regard to how it should be applied in certain medical cases. It is very difficult to change a DRG once a hospital assigns it to a medical case of a patient.
The successful result in this case was due to the high professionalism of GVA Doctors in medical cost containment, their understanding of diagnosis-treatment-cost relations in different jurisdictions worldwide, and harmony in collaboration with legal maritime specialist that operates in Norway (as well as in Denmark, Sweden, Greenland and the Faroes Islands). The initial medical bill indicated a cost of USD 178,000 that was considered by GVA and the insurer to be high for a patient who was only hospitalized for 13 days (even if 10 days were spent in ICU) and did not undergo any major surgery.
The costs were brought down from USD 178,000 to USD 64,600.
Please feel free to address your questions for any medical bill your organization would like to dispute with a medical facility to GVA Medical Cost Containment Department
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