(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Cyprus Flag Administration has announced via a circular, that it now accepts statutory certificates issued to Cyprus flagged vessels by Recognised Organizations in electronic form.
It is noted that the existing practice of issuance of hard copy certificates is also acceptable. The electronic statutory certificates issued by a Recognised Organization acting on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus, should contain the features as stated in FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2 and in particular the following:
- validity and consistency with the format and content required by the relevant International Convention or instrument, as applicable;
- protection from edits, modifications or revisions;
- a unique tracking number used for verification;
- reliable and secure verifiability through a conveniently accessible and continuously available platform;
- a printable and visible symbol that confirms the source of issuance.
Recognised Organizations should provide clear and simple instructions on the validity and authenticity of the electronic certificates for verification purposes.
The Shipping Deputy Ministry encourages all Recognised Organizations acting on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus to develop the necessary capabilities to enable the issuance of electronic statutory certificates, in order to reduce administrative requirements and enhance efficiency.
Click on below image to download the relevant circular
Source: Cyprus DMS
It will be interesting to see how soon the first counterfeit electronic certificate is discovered.