EU Blue Economy Annual Report 2018


( The “Blue” in “Blue Economy” stands for the seas and oceans. As a vital component of Europe’s coastal economies, oceans can also contribute to our continent’s overall prosperity. They can produce investment, jobs and economic growth – and the healthier they are, the more productive they’ll be. Therefore, the Blue Economy must be a Sustainable Blue Economy.

The European Commission has undertaken to measure the trends, performance and progress of the Blue Economy and systematically monitor these. This first Annual Economic Report of the EU Blue Economy looks not only at established maritime sectors such as ports, shipbuilding, transport, etc., but also at some innovative sectors now emerging. It provides a set of economic data that, we hope, can inform policy-making, help academic research and guide investments in the Blue Economy.

For more details and to download the full report, click on below image:

Source: European Commission

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