Video - ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard


( Used by large and small organizations across the world to manage and reduce energy use and costs, ISO 50001 is an excellent framework to help implement an energy management system (EnMS). The standard offers organizations the opportunity to become more resilient against energy costs and availability.

Maritime Companies (Owners, Managers, Charterers) are increasingly concerned about achieving and demonstrating sound performance on Health and Safety, Environmental, Quality, Energy management as well as Social Responsibility issues.

What are the benefits of ISO 50001 Energy Management?

  • Identify and Manage the risks surrounding your future energy supply
  • Measure and monitor energy use to identify where to improve efficiency
  • Improve overall performance to cut energy consumption and bills
  • Reduce carbon emissions and meet government reduction targets
  • Demonstrate environmental credentials to increase tender opportunities
How ISO50001 helps (click image to enlarge)

Video 1: ISO 50001 – Energy Management Standard


Video 2: A brief overview of ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard

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