(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) This Report collates data from the Coast Guard’s Marine Information Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) database regarding vessel population, inspections conducted, and deficiencies issued for the 2017 calendar year.
In 2017, the U.S. Coast Guard’s fleet of responsibility contained 12,189 vessels with active COIs. There were 905 Marine Inspectors (MIs) assigned to field units who conducted 18,424 inspections. As this is the first annual report for the U.S. Flag fleet, 2017 will serve as a baseline to study trends, identify key performance indicators, and bring attention to issues in the fleet.
Since this report covers the 2017 calendar year, and the compliance date for implementation of towing vessels was July 20, 2018, the Coast Guard will include preliminary data for inspected towing vessels within the 2018 Domestic Annual Report.
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Source: USCG