(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Ministry of Transportation of China (MOT) has announced a new decree for the re-adjustment of Domestic Emission Control Areas (DECA) in China which will be effective from 1 January 2019.
The main points of the re-adjustment are:
- The scope of DECAs will be extended to 12 nautical miles from the coastline, covering the Chinese mainland territorial coastal areas, as well as the Hainan Island territorial coastal waters from 1 January 2019.
- With effect from 1 January 2019, all ships navigating within the Chinese mainland territorial coastal DECAs and at berths will be required to use marine fuel with a maximum 0.5% m/m sulphur content of ships’ fuel oil.
- With effect from 1 January 2020, all ships navigating within the Chinese mainland territorial coastal DECAs should use marine fuel with a maximum 0.5% m/m sulphur content and when at berth a maximum 0.1% m/m sulphur content. The only exception is when ships are navigating within the Hainan territorial coastal DECA area and at berths in Hainan where they are required to use marine fuel with a maximum 0.1% m/m sulphur content.
- As per the new regulation, ships can also use alternative methods such as an Exhaust Gas Scrubber, LNG or other clean fuel that reduces the SOx to the same level or lower than the maximum required limits of sulphur when using fossil fuel in the DECA areas or when at berth.
- From 1 July 2019 ships engaged on international voyages, (except tankers), that are equipped to connect to shore power should use shore power if they berth for more than 3 hours in berths with shore power supply capacity in the coastal control areas (for inland river control area, berth for more than 2 hours);
- From 1 January 2021, cruise ships should use shore power when berthing for more than 3 hours in a berth with onshore power supply capacity in the emission control area when at berth where suitable shore power is available.
- From 1 July 2020 there are also new requirements for Chinese national flagged newbuildings. Ships with a main engine capacity over 37KW and in-service ships with capacity over 500kw are required to meet Tier II NOx. Also, when at berth they are required to use shore power when it is available.
- Any fuel change-over operation must be completed prior to the entry into or commenced after exit from any of the designated domestic ECAs.
Shipmanagers with ships trading to Asia Pacific should plan for compliance with the local 0.50% sulphur cap that enters into force in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China on 1 January 2019, and ensure that appropriate procedures have been implemented onboard and that the crew is familiar with them.
Click on below image for more details:
Source:Â The Ministry of Transportation of China (MOT)
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