(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration has issued at the end of 2018 a new regulation on data collection for energy consumption of ships which came into force on 01 January 2019.
The regulation applies to ships:
- greater than 400 gross tonnage; or
- powered by main propulsion machinery greater than 750 kW of propulsion power calling China ports.
Warships and fishing vessels have been exempted from this regulation.
As per the new regulation, every ship calling a Chinese port shall submit to the MSA the "Data Report Format for Energy Consumption of Ships", containing information of the last voyage before leaving the port.
A ship may be exempted from the per voyage reporting and report to the MSA on a monthly basis if:
- trading within a fixed region and the time underway per voyage is 4 hours or less; or
- sailing on fixed route and the time underway per voyage is 12 hours or less.
For more details and to view the relevant Chinese MSA circular, click on below link to download document: