Denmark - Cyber and Information Security Strategy for the Maritime Sector


( Denmark has launched a new sectoral strategy for the shipping industry. The strategy is a part of the Danish government’s national strategy for cyber and information security.

In the Danish Cyber and Information Security Strategy, the Government has emphasised that the responsibility for cyber and information security activities in Denmark is based on the principle of sectoral responsibility: The authority responsible for a given function on a day-to-day basis is also the responsible authority when a cyber and information security incident occurs. Accordingly, the responsibility for cyber and information security in the maritime sectors lies with the Danish Maritime Authority and covers safety of navigation in Danish waters and security on board Danish ships, including systems used by ships and ship operation software, including software for propulsion and navigation, see the Danish Act on Safety at Sea.
Cyber and information security in the maritime sector also covers services such as traffic monitoring, warnings and navigation information as well as other systems related to safe and secure navigation. In this strategy the concept of information security encompasses the overall measures to secure information with regard to confidentiality, integrity (alteration of data) and accessibility. This includes organisation of security measures, influencing behavior, data processing procedures, supply chain management and technical security measures. For the purpose of this strategy, cyber security encompasses protection against breaches of security resulting from attacks on data or systems via a connection to an external network or system. Cyber security thus focuses on vulnerabilities inherent to the interconnection of systems, including connections to the Internet.
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