IMO: e-Navigation strategy implementation plan


( As shipping moves in to the digital world, e-navigation is expected to provide digital information and infrastructure for the benefit of maritime safety, security and protection of the marine environment, reducing the administrative burden and increasing the efficiency of maritime trade and transport.

Accidents in a marine setting have been overwhelmingly caused by human error. A great portion of accidents occurring in the sea are attributed to navigational challenges. Maritime traffic is core in mitigating incidences such as collisions, grounding problems, oil spills, and piracy. Greater congestion and increased manning levels have provided impetus for developing reliable system to reduce laborious work. E-Navigation utilizes new and existing technologies that are acceptable within the operating standards. The central role of the process is to enhance marine safety as well as efficiency.

The main objective of the Strategy Implementation Plan (SIP) is to implement the five e-navigation solutions, resulting from the IMO Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) which identified a number of required tasks. These tasks should, when completed, provide the industry with harmonized information, in order to start designing products and services to meet the e-navigation solutions.

The basis of the SIP are the following e-navigation solutions:

  • S1: improved, harmonized and user-friendly bridge design;
  • S2: means for standardized and automated reporting;
  • S3: improved reliability, resilience and integrity of bridge equipment and navigation information;
  • S4: integration and presentation of available information in graphical displays received via communication equipment; and
  • S5: improved communication of VTS Service Portfolio (not limited to VTS stations).

To read the full IMO paper, click on below link:

Source: IMO

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