New MLC consolidated text, including 2014 and 2016 amendments


( The celebration of the ILO Centenary started with the entry into force, on 8 January 2019, of the 2016 amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, as amended (MLC, 2006) .

Under the amendments, governments and shipowners are expected to adopt measures to better protect seafarers against shipboard harassment and bullying using as a reference the Guidance on Eliminating Shipboard Harassment and Bullying  jointly published by the International Transport Workers’ Federation and the International Chamber of Shipping. The maritime sector was a pioneer in this area as the International Labour Conference will have a second discussion this year on the possible adoption of the first international labour standards on violence and harassment in the world of work.

The 2016 amendments also allow for an extension of the validity of maritime labour certificates in circumstances where ships have passed the relevant inspection but where a new certificate cannot immediately be issued and made available on board.

Click below to download the MLC new consolidated text (including the amendments on seafarer protection against shipboard harassment and bullying)


Source: ILO


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