9th East Med Marine and Oil & Gas Exhibition: The largest and most successful event since its inception!


The largest and most successful event since its inception! This was the general sentiment among exhibitors and participants of the 9th East Med Marine and Oil & Gas Exhibition. 85 exhibitors and more than 500 shipping and maritime professionals attended the conferences, workshops and exhibition. This year’s increased attendance verifies that the local shipping industry is growing and extends a vote of confidence for Cyprus macroeconomic stability.

During the 2-day event, customers and services providers had the opportunity to discuss and learn more about technological trends and how they impact the operations and efficiency of ships. Among other important topics, presentations were given on Cylinder Lubrication Technology/ Combating the effects of 2020, Understanding Scrubber Economics and Fundamentals, Technological Convergence in Maritime, regulations evolving around Ballast Water Treatment Systems and the 7th Bunkernet Bunker Conference.

Special attention has been given by the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works to the role of the shipping cluster in Cyprus and the importance of the development of supporting and auxiliary services to the shipping and upcoming oil and gas industries. The event has been endorsed by the, Deputy Ministry of Shipping, Cyprus Shipping Chamber and Hellenic Bank.

Given the opportunity, FHG will like to thank its sponsors for supporting the event.

Thank you: Hellenic Bank, ExxonMobil, Comtech and Inmarsat.

Fameline Holding Group has already started the preparations for the 10th East Med Marine and Oil & Gas Exhibition which will be held in April 2021.

For more information please contact: info@eastmedexpo.com / www.eastmedexpo.com





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