United States Flag state inspection results 2018


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) This report collates data from the Coast Guard’s Marine Information Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) database regarding vessel population, inspections conducted, and deficiencies issued for the 2018 calendar year. In 2018, the U.S. Flag fleet contained 19,679 vessels subject to inspection. Coast Guard Marine Inspectors (MI) conducted 20,048 inspections. As this is the second annual report for the U.S. Flag fleet, 2018 will serve as the first waypoint in trend analysis over the 2017 baseline with respect to key performance indicators and potential issues in the fleet.

Since this report covers the 2018 calendar year and the compliance date for implementation of towing vessels was July 20, 2018, only five months of data for inspected towing vessels is included in this report.

Of the 20,048 inspections conducted in 2018, 25,324 deficiencies were identified on the 19,679 active vessels in the U.S. fleet of responsibility. Passenger vessels account for 72.3% of those deficiencies. However, based on vessel population, Cargo vessels received a higher ratio of deficiencies per vessel, with an average of 4.17.

There were 1,946 reportable marine casualty investigations in 2018 involving 1,812 vessels.

In 2018 there were 40 valid Flag State Detentions. A total of 43 Flag State Detentions were issued; however, upon administrative review, three detentions were downgraded. Action code “30 – Ship Detained” is a control action that may be imposed on any inspected vessel type, including Small Passenger Vessels and Barges, and is selected when technical or operational-related deficiencies exist that individually or collectively indicate a serious failure, or lack of effectiveness, of
the implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS). For vessels that do not have an SMS, “30 – Ship Detained” is assigned when objective evidence indicates that a serious substandard condition is not being proactively managed by the company, vessel owner, and/or operator.

For more details, click below to download full report:


Source: USCG


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