EU Blue Economy Annual Report 2019


( The European Commission has published its Annual Report on the EU Blue Economy. The Report for 2019 aims to analyse the scope and size of the blue economy in the European Union, creating a baseline to support policymakers and stakeholders in the quest for sustainable development of oceans, seas and coastal resources. The report was prepared by the EC Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries jointly with the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

According to the report, the EU's blue economy continues growing. The economic activities related to oceans, seas and coastal areas recorded gross profit of EUR 74.3 billion in 2017, with 4 million persons employed, which is an increase of half a million since 2011. The contribution of the EU blue economy established sectors to the overall economy was almost 2% in terms of employment and 1.3% in terms of GVA (gross value added), varying to a considerable extent between Member States. The report includes detailed fact sheets on every EU Member State.

The report  also incorporates various new elements and content, including the innovative, high-potential maritime sectors, such as blue energy, including offshore wind energy and ocean energy, blue bioeconomy, marine minerals, desalination, coastal and environmental protection, ecosystem services and maritime defence and security. The report comprises a section on ecosystem services and natural capital, addressing the costs and economic impact of climate change and mitigation measures.

For more details and to download the full report, click on below image:

Source: European Commission

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