European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Facts and Figures 2018


( The EMSA Facts and Figures 2018 publication is a shortened account of the Consolidated Annual Activity Report which details how EMSA has implemented the annual tasks set out in the work programme contained in the Agency’s Single programming Document (2017-2019).

EMSA’s priorities are shaped by several guiding documents, including the founding Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 as amended, EMSA’s five-year strategy, the European Commission’s Communication on the programming of human and financial resources for decentralised agencies 2014-2020, and, finally, on Regulation (EU) No 911/2014 on the multiannual funding for action in the field of response to pollution caused by ships and oil and gas installations.

The level of performance is linked to the strong relationship which EMSA maintains with their partners: the EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, the Paris MoU countries, and the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea under the European Neighourhood Policy; as well as with the European Commission, European Fisheries Control Agency, European Space Agency, European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), Maritime Analysis and
Operations Centre for Narcotics and EU Navfor.

Through this overview, our readers will see EMSA’s wide-ranging and multi-faceted role in the maritime domain as well as EMSA commitment to providing valuable, targeted services that draw on a broad base of shared knowledge and experience.

Click on below image to download full report.

Source: EMSA

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