Lessons Learnt: Death of a Bosun during Lifeboat drill (video)


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) UK P&I club has developed a series of Lessons Learnt training videos. The videos are aimed at providing an interactive learning experience for seafarers of all ranks by examining thought-provoking incidents as well as suggesting actions that may have prevented them from happening or to mitigate their consequences.

At the end of each video, the seafarer is invited to reflect upon lessons learnt arising from the incident and how they could apply to their own shipboard working practices or systems. The videos are designed to be short and to the point, leaving sufficient scope for both seafarer and trainer to consider the underlying root causes of the incident.

The first video release entitled “Death of a Bosun” relates the tragic story of a seafarer who died during a routine lifeboat drill, occurring due to a combination of inadequate working practices, poor supervision and maintenance issues.

Lessons Learnt: Death of a Bosun from TMTV on Vimeo.

Source: UK P&I club


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