(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) These OCIMF guidelines facilitate the uniform assessment of Floating (Production) Storage and Ofloading (F(P)SO) facilities. They provide a robust method for assessing the marine aspects of F(P)SO operations against international legislation and recognized industry best practice and are designed to supplement other internal assessments conducted as part of a company’s auditing process.
Structure of the assessment questionnaire
The assessment questionnaire addresses the full range of marine activities associated with F(P)SO operations. Guidance is provided to help assessors judge compliance with each set of questions’ objectives.
Guidelines for assessment
F(P)SO assessments should be undertaken by independent assessors accompanied by at least one representative of the F(P)SO. The scope of the assessment is centred on marine activities and it is necessary for the assessor to be experienced in this field and have at least one of the following:
- Lead auditor training, e.g. ISO/ISM or Classification Society training.
- A marine qualification, e.g. a senior certificate of competency at management level.
- F(P)SO or other Floating Ofshore Installation (FOI) service in a senior marine rank.
- Supervisory/management experience in a similar type of facility.
The assessor should organise the assessment and prepare the report for the F(P)SO management.
Pre-assessment activities
Assessors should familiarise themselves with all available information about the F(P)SO before the visit. Appendices A and B contain templates that F(P)SO personnel can use to give assessors this information before their arrival. To help the F(P)SO to prepare for the assessment, the assessor should give the F(P)SO a copy of the assessment guidelines and a clearly defined scope so that they have a clear understanding of the assessment process.
Conducting the assessment
The assessment should start with an opening meeting to brief the F(P)SO’s management and operating supervisors on the process. It is essential to agree on the assessment schedule and on the F(P)SO personnel that will be made available.
Appendix D is a template that can be used to prepare for this meeting and the closing meeting. Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the questionnaire should only be completed if applicable. The assessment process begins afer the opening meeting. Observations should be made with enough detail to allow for sound judgments and assessment.
The assessment should conclude with a meeting with the local management and operating supervisors in which the assessor presents the findings before writing the final report. Appendix C is a template for the assessment scorecard to be submitted to the F(P)SO management. A full assessment report should be prepared for the F(P)SO management team’s consideration and guidance, within an agreed timeframe.
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Source: OCIMF