Maritime Investigation: $17,550 fines for giving false information after crewman passed out in hold


( The Captain and Chief Officer of an Isle of Man flagged bulk carrier, Emilie Bulker, gave false information to New Zealand maritime authority after a crewman passed out because of lack of oxygen in the ship’s poorly-ventilated hold.

On Thursday, 19 September, at the Wellington District Court, Captain Walter Damian and Chief Officer Ian Dalingding pleaded guilty to providing false information to Maritime New Zealand. They were fined $13,500 and $ 4,050 respectively. Captain Damian also pleaded guilty to permitting dangerous activity. A reparation payment of $10,000 for emotional harm has been awarded to the victim.

M/V Emilie Bulker

The incident occurred at the Port of Tauranga on Friday, 6 September 2019, when the crewman was working in a hold containing palm kernel. Palm kernel is known to deplete oxygen in the air.

Fire and Emergency NZ, rescued the unconscious man from the ship’s cargo-hold. He was taken to the Tauranga Hospital and placed in an induced coma. He was discharged from hospital on Tuesday, 10 September 2019.

Maritime NZ investigated, and the Captain and Chief Officer gave false information claiming that assessment and gas tests of the cargo-hold had been done, and the hold was safe to work in. None of that was true.

Oxygen depletion and gas build up in ships’ holds is an internationally known risk and a major concern for Maritime NZ. International law requires operators to have a Safety Management System (SMS) for a ship which sets out safety procedures to ensure that entry into enclosed spaces like cargo holds is properly evaluated for risk and that those risks are effectively managed.

“People’s safety is our primary concern,” Maritime NZ’s Central Region Compliance Manager, Michael-Paul Abbott said.

“Maritime NZ takes all steps to ensure the safety of maritime operations in New Zealand, including aboard foreign ships in our waters, in accordance with international law,” Mr Abbott said.

“As well as taking the prosecution, we have shared information about the incident and this ship with other Asia-Pacific countries’ maritime authorities, and reported it to the Isle of Man registry.

“This is part of an international system for monitoring ships that are involved in incidents – we help each other keep shipping safe.”

Source: Maritime New Zealand

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  1. Confined Space Entry is as dangerous as death on the spot if necessary precautions are lousily treated and lackadaisically handled. Pre-entry checks for habitability for enough oxygen presence is important and proper ventilation to keep air supply constantly available to prevent asphyxiation is a requirement not to toy with.
    This incident calls for a review of frequency of drills being carried out on board and obedience and adherence to company's SMS. Again SMS review during internal and external audits is necessary to check if these parameters are available, included and compliance levels.
    Avoidable occurrences of this ilk can be checked and prevented with the company following and implementing laid down procedures, rules and regulations in the various treaties of IMO and various bodies through which they are cascaded.