UK MAIB investigation report – Grounding of general cargo vessel Priscilla on 18 July 2018


( The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) issued the report of its investigation of the 18 July 2018 grounding of the general cargo vessel Priscilla ran aground on Pentland Skerries, Scotland.

For about 2 hours prior to the accident, the officer of the watch had been unaware that Priscilla was drifting away from the planned passage.

When the officer of the watch realized what had happened, the route chosen to regain the navigational plan resulted in the vessel heading directly into danger.

The accident happened because the officer of the watch was distracted from the critical task of monitoring the passage by watching videos on his mobile phone. He was the sole lookout at night as the vessel headed towards land, and the electronic navigation system was not set up to warn of danger ahead. Priscilla’s officer or the watch also responded to two radio calls from shore authorities warning of the danger ahead; however, his reaction to the warnings was not sufficient to avoid danger.

For more details, click on below image to download full report.


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Source: UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)

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