(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Cyprus Marine Accident and Incident Investigation Committee (MAIC) examines and investigates all types of marine accidents to or on board Cyprus Flag vessels worldwide, and other vessels in Cyprus territorial waters. The objective of the MAIC in investigating an accident, is the prevention of future accidents by establishing their root causes and circumstances.
Incident Description
The âOCEAN CROWNâ is a Cyprus flagged, 2005 built, bulk carrier managed by Global Carriers Ltd. This investigation examines the circumstances under which the bosun of the vessel was severely injured while the ship was en route from Odessa and Ochakov, Ukraine to Tuticorin, India via the Suez Canal. The position of the ship when the accident occurred was Lat: 12º56.6âN - Long: 062º20.5âE while the vessel was sailing the Arab Sea southeast-bound towards India.
On 11th September 2019 the bosun together with other three crewmembers were engaged in the job of covering the grab of no. 2 crane with a tarpaulin while the grab rested on its fittings on the stbd side of the main deck, so that it would be protected from the severe weather conditions and the fitter could make some scheduled welding works on the grab.
While in the process of covering the grab with the tarpaulin, a sudden sea wave hit the crew members. Its intensity forced the bosun to and under the grab causing severe injuries to his head and his body. The vessel deviated from its course to Kochi, India for emergency helicopter evacuation of the bosun but he passed away due to his injuries some hours before the vessel could reach the port limits.
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Source:Â Cyprus MAIC