(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The idea of a European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) originated in the late 1990s along with a number of other important European maritime safety initiatives. EMSA was set up as a regulatory agency that would provide a major source of support to the European Commission and the member states in the field of maritime safety, security and prevention of pollution from ships.
EMSAâs activities:
- providing technical and scientific assistance to the member states and the European Commission in the proper development and implementation of EU legislation on maritime safety, security, prevention of pollution by ships and maritime transport administrative simplification
- monitoring the implementation of EU legislation through visits and inspections
- improving cooperation with and between member states
- building capacity of national competent authorities
- providing operational assistance, including developing, managing and maintaining maritime services related to ships, ship monitoring and enforcement
- carrying out operational preparedness, detection and response tasks with respect to pollution caused by ships and marine pollution by oil and gas installations
- at the request of the European Commission, providing technical operational assistance to non-EU countries around relevant sea basins.
This publication sets out our main achievements in 2019 and provides a shortened account of the Consolidated Annual Activity Report which itself explains in detail how EMSA implements the tasks defined in the Agencyâs Single Programming Document (2019-2021).
While the Agency continued to carry out its wide-ranging and multifaceted role in the maritime domain, the first and foremost task was to develop a multiannual strategy to guide the Agency over the next five years. A collaborative approach â joining together the European Commission, member states, industry and social partners â enabled EMSA to devise a plan tailored to the needs of the stakeholders and reflecting the challenges of the complex landscape in which we operate.
Click on below image to download full report.
Source:Â EMSA