(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) OCIMF’s new information paper, Guidelines for the Handling, Storage, Use, Maintenance and Testing of STS Hoses, provides guidance to STS Service Providers, Masters, and operators of ships that use hose assemblies to transfer liquid-bulk cargoes via STS and to minimise hose damage from improper handling and storing. This information paper does not cover specific details of hose construction as doing so might hinder the introduction of improved construction methods and techniques.
Hose strings used during Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfers in a side-by-side configuration are a critical link between the two ships. They are subjected to repeated lifting, bending and folding and to the dynamic forces of ship movements at sea. All of these can result in loads and stresses within the hose. To provide greater reliability and longer life, hoses should be handled, stored, maintained, inspected and tested correctly at appropriate intervals.
This paper provides guidance to STS Service Providers, Masters, and operators of ships that
use hose assemblies to transfer liquid-bulk cargoes via STS and to minimise hose damage from improper handling and storing. Compliance with proper inspection and testing procedures will also increase the probability of detecting potential failure areas at the right time.
Section two of this paper describes rubber hose assemblies which are commonly used for the transfer of MARPOL Annex I cargoes. Helix-reinforced rubber hoses are used in some locations for STS transfers but are not addressed in this paper. Section three relates to composite hoses.
Corrugated metallic hoses are generally not used for STS Transfer Operations and are therefore not part of this guidance paper. This paper does not cover specific details of hose construction as doing so might hinder the introduction of improved construction methods and techniques.
Click below to download the OCIMF paper "Guidelines for the Handling, Storage, Use, Maintenance and Testing of STS Hoses":
The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF)
Founded in 1970, the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies having an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas, and includes companies engaged in offshore marine operations supporting oil and gas exploration, development and production.