Maritime Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting Programme - Annual Digest 2020


( CHIRP currently receives confidential incident reports from professional and amateur participants in the maritime sector, both from within the UK and overseas and across all disciplines. On being received, reports are validated as far as is possible and reviewed with the objective of making the information as widely available as possible whilst maintaining the confidentiality of the source.

CHIRP Maritime has published its Annual Digest 2020. It is a flagship publication and contains all the published reports of the previous 12 months as well as various very interesting technical articles.  This year, amongst these articles is a paper by CHIRP member Dr.Clare Pekcan “Seafarer wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic” highlighting the psychological impact on seafarer’s trapped at sea unable to return home at the end of their tour of duty.

The annual digest is separated into sections as follows:

  • Health and seafarer welfare;
  • Fishing, tugs, yachting and recreation;
  • Engineering, technical, environment and regulation;
  • Deck safety, deck operations, and cargo operations;
  • Collision regulations and navigation;
  • Safety culture;
  • Pilot boarding and pilotage.

The CHIRP Maritime Annual Digest 2020 is available by clicking below:

Source: CHIRP

For more Maritime Safety Reports, click here.



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