Cyprus Central Bank – Ship Management Survey first half 2021

Cyprus shipmanagement

( The Central Bank of Cyprus has published the results of the Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2021. This Survey is conducted biannually and it was launched initially in March 2009 and covers residents of Cyprus who provide ship management services to ship owning companies registered both in Cyprus and abroad.

The Central Bank of Cyprus has today published the results of the Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2021. The main developments concerning the transactions of resident ship management companies, are summarised as follows:

  • Ship management revenues amounted to €447 million during the first half of 2021.
  • The main exporting destinations for the services of the ship management industry are Germany, Greece, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
  • The industry’s payments increased by €2,8 million when compared with the first half of 2020.

Click below to download the full report:


Source: Cyprus Central Bank

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