Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry launches innovative online platform for industry collaboration and progress

The Cyprus Open Maritime Exchange Platform

Following the launch of SEA Change 2030, a long-term strategic vision for Cyprus shipping, the Shipping Deputy Ministry is currently working on the implementation of the relevant actions presented in the Strategy and towards this direction, it has launched the new online platform: C.O.M.E.

C.O.M.E, which stands for Cyprus Open Maritime Exchange, is one of the latest initiatives from the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry to enable continuous consultation on current maritime affairs and emerging issues in line with its new strategy. The online communication platform encourages all stakeholders involved in the maritime transport supply chain as well as the civil society to share thoughts and ideas with Cyprus. The collected information will be regularly reviewed and incorporated into actions and policies.

The new platform has five focus areas for feedback including green transformation, digitalization, safety and security, coastal navigation, seafarer welfare, training and education. There is also an additional section that allows the shipping community and the civil society to explore other issues not encapsulated in these five core areas.


On the launch of the platform, Vassilios Demetriades, Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister commented: “Cyprus has always prided itself on being a collaborative and proactive nation. In line with our new strategy, the C.O.M.E platform is an opportunity for ongoing consultation with individuals from right across the global shipping industry and wider supply chain, enabling productive discussion, informed decision-making, and genuine progress.

“I firmly believe that collaboration lies at the heart of progress. Cyprus will continue to launch and build upon key initiatives to get even closer to the industry - fostering an environment for honest discussions and, ultimately, advancement for the entire sector. We are starting 2022 as we mean to go on; with the introduction of a new tool that we believe will help us effectively tackle the challenges of the year ahead and beyond. As ambassadors for the industry, we want to listen, to understand, and then deliver for shipping.”

C.O.M.E forms a fundamental element of Cyprus’ commitment to an ‘extrovert’ approach and represents the first concrete action from its recently launched strategy. It enables the systematic collection of industry intelligence and ongoing consultation with individuals, both in and outside the shipping industry, to achieve collaborative and informed decision making.

For more information and to be involved in ongoing discussions, please visit the online platform here:

Read more about the Cyprus ship Registry and world class Maritime Hub, HERE



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