Maritime Compliance: Canada Updated Requirements for Ballast Water Reporting Regulation


( The Canadian new requirements apply to all vessels subject to the Ballast Water Regulation when bound for Canada's port, offshore terminal, or anchorage area.

The BWRF (Ballast Water Reporting form) must be completed for all ballast tanks, regardless of their condition, even if the vessel is not planning to discharge ballast in Canadian waters.

Transport Canada has stated that all required documentation and BWRF must be submitted as follows:

  1. If the duration of the segment of the voyage before entering waters under Canadian jurisdictions is less than 24 hours, as soon as practicable before entering waters under Canadian jurisdictions but no later than the time of departure from the last port of call. If the duration of the segment of the voyage before entering waters under Canadian jurisdictions is less than 96 hours but more than 24 hours, at least 24 hours before entering waters under Canadian jurisdictions; or
  2. At least 96 hours before entering waters under Canadian jurisdictions.

Other documents required to be submitted are:

  • Copy of all pages of the International Ballast Water Management Certificate or an equivalent document,
  • Copy of all pages of the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate or its interim and supplements, and
  • Other relevant documents/certificates as might be requested by Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security (TCMSS).

In an exceptional circumstance where a vessel cannot submit the forms and required documents, it must notify its local Agent and the TCMSS. Failure to submit, non-completion, or providing inaccurate information could lead to monetary penalties, inspection, detention, redirection, or expulsion from Canadian waters. In addition, the vessel's Master could face a personal fine from the Authorities.

Where to email or fax your completed form:

If the vessel proceed toEmail your form toOr fax your form to
Canada’s East Coast, Great Lakes Basin, Quebec or Ontario regionatlanticballastwater@tc.gc.ca902-426-6657
The Canadian Arctic (north of 60º N), Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay or James Bayatlanticballastwater@tc.gc.ca902-426-6657
Canada’s West Coast, including the western Arcticpacballastwater@tc.gc.ca604-666-9177


Lastly, the operator or Master must retain the BWRF onboard for at least 24 months after submission.

For more details, download the relevant Canada Ship Safety Bulletin and relevant form below:


Source: Transport Canada

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