Maritime Loss prevention: Cargo liquefaction and The Can Test


( Cargo liquefaction and dynamic separation have been the cause of a significant number of vessel losses, with many crew deaths. There have also been many near misses, with vessels developing significant stability issues due to these phenomena.

Although shippers are obligated to provide safe cargo, the Club continues to see incidents where this is not the case. Section 8.4 of the IMSBC Code details a test procedure that the Master and crew may use for determining the possibility of liquefaction – the Can Test. It is strongly recommended that dry bulk cargoes declared as Group A or which have a large proportion of fine material are subjected to regular can testing before and during loading.

Unfortunately, we have seen that this testing procedure is often carried out incorrectly, which can give false reassurance regarding the suitability of the material for shipment.

Source: West P&I


Read Also:

The problem of Cargo Liquefaction on Bulk carriers (Guidance)


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