(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) We have previously reported on the UK MCA's Reporting Emissions Data into the UK Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Regime. See here.
The regime includes the obligation for ship operators and verifiers to collect and report emissions data. Although the legislation establishing the UK MRV regime envisaged data being collected from 2021, the Department for Transport (DfT) recognised the need for further preparation. Operators were therefore requested to begin collecting emissions data for the UK MRV regime from 1 January 2022 onwards for the 2022 reporting period, with enforcement action to be taken by the MCA from 2023.
As the digital reporting system being developed by the UK to receive MRV data is not expected to be ready until 2025, the DfT has taken a decision to delay the requirement for operators to report emissions until the system is fully operational. Meanwhile, the legal requirement for operators to monitor vessel emissions remains in place.
From 2023, by 30 June of each year, ship operators must ensure that any ships that were subject to the UK MRV regime in the previous reporting period, carry a valid Document of Compliance (DoC). The UK DoC will be valid for 18 months after the end of the reporting period. An EU DoC will continue to be recognised for voyages between the UK and EEA ports.
Readers may access the UK MCA's (MIN) 669 (M+F): Reporting Emissions Data into the UK MRV Regime: Updated 4 January 2023 for additional information including the below UK MRV Timeline Chart.