Questionnaire for a Master's Thesis: Green Shipping Challenges, Implications, and Solutions


Dear readers,

The push for maritime decarbonization presents a complex and evolving landscape that requires deeper investigation into its potential impacts on the industry. While global regulations aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency, the exact technical, operational, and commercial challenges that may arise are not yet fully understood. Questions remain about how the industry can effectively transition to cleaner technologies, what operational changes will be required to meet new efficiency standards, and how shipowners and operators will manage the financial implications of compliance.

This research seeks to identify and explore these unknowns, providing insights into the barriers and opportunities. The study is important because it aims to uncover the unknown challenges and opportunities associated with decarbonization, providing valuable insights for shipowners, operators, and policymakers. By identifying these factors, the research will contribute to shaping more informed strategies that ensure both environmental responsibility and economic viability in the maritime sector.

The reserach is entitled: Sustainable Ship Management: Strategic Approaches to compliance with Maritime decarbonisation Plans – Technical, Operational and Commercial implications.

Thanks for your participation.


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