Marine Investigation Report: Fatality During Mooring Operations


( A fatal accident happened on board a Hong Kong registered container vessel at the port of Qingdao, China while berthing at a terminal. At that time, the mooring operation was nearly completed and only one stern line (the line) was left to be tightened. The line under tension suddenly parted and heavily hit the head of the third officer (3/O) who was stationed within the snap-back zone of the line, resulting in his death.

During the mooring operation, the third officer (3/O) was stationed on the aft deck, overseeing the final stages of securing the vessel. At this point, only one stern line remained to be tightened. Unfortunately, as the line was being tensioned, it suddenly snapped and struck the third officer in the head, leading to his immediate death. The investigation found that the officer was within the snap-back zone of the mooring line when the incident occurred.

The Marine Department's investigation identified several factors that contributed to the accident. The crew failed to follow the safety guidelines outlined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the "Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers," and the vessel's own procedures. Specifically, the crew did not properly inspect, maintain, or replace the mooring line before it failed. Additionally, there were shortcomings in the crew's arrangement of the mooring lines and a general lack of safety awareness regarding the risks associated with the snap-back zones of these lines.

The investigation also highlighted that the risk assessment and toolbox meeting conducted before the mooring operation were ineffective, and the training provided to the crew on safe mooring practices was inadequate.

In order to avoid recurrence of similar accidents during mooring operation in the future, ship management companies, all masters, officers and crew members should note items (a) to (e) while ship management companies should also note item (f), to:

    1. strictly follow the requirements of the guidelines, the Code and the shipboard procedures for mooring operation to inspect, maintain and replace the mooring lines before their failure;
    2. strictly follow the requirements of the Code to properly arrange the layout of the mooring lines during berthing operation and avoid using short length mooring lines;
    3. enhance crew members’ safety awareness to the risk of the snap-back zone of mooring lines during mooring operation;
    4. ensure the mooring operation to be carried out under a safe working culture, including maintaining good communication among crew members and issuing timely mutual warning against unsafe acts when necessary;
    5. ensure provision of effective training to crew members for safe mooring operation, including proper risk assessment, toolbox meeting and good working practices on board; and
    6. ensure that crew members strictly follow the Code and shipboard procedures to manage shipboard mooring lines, and conduct effective risk assessment and training for safe mooring operation.

For more details, download below the full Investigation Report from the Marine Department of the Government of Hong Kong:



Source: The Marine Department of the Government of Hong Kong




For more Marine Accident Investigation Reports, click HERE.




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