UK Maritime Transport Statistics 2016


The UK Department for Transport produces annually maritime statistics for:

  • domestic waterborne freight
  • ports
  • sea passengers
  • shipping fleets
  • seafarers

An overview of maritime and shipping statistics can be seen within the maritime chapter of the latest Transport statistics Great Britain publication.

Domestic waterborne freight

Statistics on freight traffic moved within the United Kingdom by water transport. This covers inland waters traffic, traffic carried around the UK coast, one-port traffic to and from offshore installations and sea dredging.

Produced from a combination of the sources for our ‘port freight statistics’ and an independent survey of inland waterway operators.

Statistics are updated annually.


Statistics on freight handled by UK sea ports.

Provisional statistics on freight handled by major UK ports are published quarterly and final annual statistics are published annually in August. The statistics are based mainly on returns from port operators and shipping lines and agents.

Users should note that the ‘port freight’ publication schedule has been changed. A notice giving the reasons behind this decision has been published.

Sea passengers

Statistics relating to international and domestic passenger traffic handled at UK ports. Data are published annually, except for international short sea (ferry) passenger totals which are updated monthly in table SPAS0107.

Shipping fleets

Statistics relating to UK and world shipping fleets.

Statistics are produced annually, based mainly on DfT analysis of world fleet data provided commercially by IHS Global. Since they are derived from a commercial source, the statistics are not considered to be National Statistics, but they are considered to be of good quality.


Annual statistics relating to the estimated number of UK seafarers, including some statistics on non-UK seafarers, qualified to serve on UK registered vessels, and indicative projections of the future number of UK certificated officers.

Statistics are updated annually and based on a combination of administrative sources and industry surveys.


Click on below imge to download Maritime report.


Source: UK Department of Transport




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